
I am Anjum Sachdeva, a culinary enthusiast, a homemaker and founder of “Saadhi Loonkie”. I have always aspired towards a healthy way of living and a healthy living is only possible when we eat healthy. Growing up in an Indian family system exposes you to eating a lot variety of food items. But wait, did you ever thought what nutritional value these delectable have? Everything has come down to easy and ready to eat, packed with preservatives and adulterations which can not be checked in day-to-day life. Imagine, we sumptuously eat and feed the same to our kids and loved one.


With all these triggers in mind I started my journey at “Saadhi Loonkie”, researching and selecting finest premium Indian spices which are natural, non-adulterated and packed to maintain their natural aroma which delivers excellent nutritional value to our body. The mind speaks what body holds, If the body is given food prepared from the purest ingredients, it leads to holistic wellness.


With more and more research over the years, I found that Indian masalas which we use in our daily life may not be up to the standard we think. Of course, I am not saying that they are not good. Reasons could be many. At Saadhi Loonkie, we make sure that our masalas are exclusive, pure and naturally grown and each variety of masalas are prepared and packed to pass the quality checks.


Why you should Buy “Saadhi Loonkie”?
Simple as that! We believe, we ‘Win’ when we make a difference! At “Saadhi Loonkie” we aim to bring a change in the current spice industry by introducing premium freshness loaded pure Indian grounded masalas with unique concoctions. We as a manufacturer and seller, work by minimizing the traditional spices industry supply chain where a spice’s “Soil to Shelf” journey takes a considerable time thereby adding time layer of picking, packaging and supply to retail stores. On the other hand, “Saadhi Loonkie”’s masalas are picked, grounded into powdered form right within the first tier of the spice’s farming thereby eliminating slippages.